Wedding Photo Album

One of the most magical and special days in any couples’ life is the day they get married. The wedding day is the beginning of a life long commitment. Marriage provides an opportunity to grow in selflessness as you serve one another, and is more than a physical union; it is also a spiritual and emotional union for life together.

Forkeeps, Wedding Album, is a unique way to capture your special day with your loved ones and guests, that can be created within minutes, accessed from your phone and shared instantly – keeping your cherished memories captured forever.


Every big day has a special plan. Why not use this section to add the time and place of your wedding, or your favourite reading or vowels. Get creative and add your personal words for all to remember.

Share with Guests

Share your album with your guests beforehand, asking them to add their photos of the day in real-time into your album. So, as the wedding day unfolds and ends, you can see everyones moments captured.

Virtual Toasts

Allow others to add their wishes of congratulations, or words of love, or even send a virtual toast to the newlyweds. Keeping your special day and its memories alive forever.

Bits and pieces

What do people keep or store in their houses for
sentimental purposes.

How to achieve social closeness during social distancing

We require social interaction and it has been cut short
without any coping measures.