

Afterlife Message

The thought of life after we have gone may seem grim. You might have wanted to say something to your loved ones, but never got the chance. ForKeeps Afterlife Messages allows you to easily create an Afterlife message today, which can be delivered safely to loved ones, once you have passed.

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A message like a will & testament

None of us knows when our last day will be, but imagine, if like a will and testament, you could easily, safely and securely leave a personal message for loved ones about anything you like? Now you can, through ForKeeps Afterlife Messages – by loved ones for loved ones.

Your most precious words for the future

Sending an AfterLife message allows you the freedom to let your loved ones know how you feel in your own words. You can choose the occasion and also when the message should be sent. A small gesture, but one that will last forever and give you the ability to speak life into future situations.


A message format that suits your personality

For some of us, words are more powerful than the sword, while for others a picture paints a thousand words! For others still, voices evoke memories and a video creates a connection. Whatever your preference, you can choose your own message format type.


No child is your favourite

It is said, none of us has a favourite child, so why not create a message for all your children in one go. ForKeeps allows you to create a message for one person or for a group of people. From your book club friends to all your siblings, besties, family or even your Sunday bikers club. You can choose one or both.


An Executor of ForKeeps platform

Like an Executor of an Estate, we would like you to nominate an Executor for ForKeeps. Their sole responsibility will be to notify us on the sad day that you pass. A responsibility like no other, but one that could deliver invaluable messages of love to loved ones, in the future.


I am your Message Guardian

You have a choice to nominate a special AfterLife Message Guardian to deliver the message on your behalf with specific guidelines.


One day I will…

Your grandchildren may not be ready to graduate, or get married, or even have children, now. But, they may one day, so if you were to sadly pass away, before this ‘one-day’. What words of comfort or support would you give? AfterLife Messages allows you to choose Future Unknown Dates, to meet different circumstances, like your daughter’s wedding day, the birth of a child, or graduation.


Happy 30th my darling Grace!

AfterLife messages, allow you to create a message for a Known Future Date, like your daughter’s 30th birthday. You can use the ForKeeps delivery date option, and create a personal special message for the future, that just in case you passed away, you have left words of love, support and encouragement.


Banking security & AI business logic

Our application has been built using the latest banking security technology, and literally thousands of business logic rules, to mimic different life situations, scenarios and preferences. This allows, you to create personal messages the way you want them to be created, for who whoever you want then to be for, at a time and date that suits your wishes.

Afterlife Main Features

Afterlife Delivery

You have three choices as to when your Afterlife Message can be delivered, upon confirmation of your death, on a Future Known Date (e.g. sons 30th birthday), or Future Unknown Date (e.g. delivering the father's speech on your daughter's wedding day)

Message Formats

You can choose different formats for your messages, video, audio or text. All can be done quickly and easily within the app. Furthermore, you can also change your message or the format type at any time.

Direct or Indirectly

Depending on who the message is for, you may feel the person is underage and therefore a direct message may not be appropriate. So you can opt for the message to be sent via a Special Guardian.

Individual or Group

You may want to send a message to a single love one or to a group of loved ones or friends. For example, a message for your partner, and one for all your siblings, or your bikers or book club friends. You can choose up to ten people within a group

Message Themes

Certain messages may need a little more personalisation - so we have created some theme templates for both Future Known and Unknown dates.

Afterlife Guardians

In certain situations, it may not be appropriate to send a message directly. Here you have a choice to nominate a special After Life Message Guardian to deliver the message on your behalf, with your special guidelines.

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