Custom Photo Album

Life is made up of many special moments that become key milestones in our lives. That road trip with friends, a sabbatical in a foreign country or just special time with loved ones. Let family & friends send some love your way with a virtual Forkeeps heart.

Forkeeps, Custom Album, is a simple, quick and easy way to create your own digital album, that can be quickly accessed and shared with others from anywhere. Turn your photos into an interactive digital album that can be private or public for others to access. Create your digital album for any occasion that can be seen forever.

Occasion Facts

Use the special notification section to write down the highlights of your Forever Occasion or the destination you visited, the people you did it with or the lyrics from the song you remember.

Create and Share

You can also create an album for someone else (e.g. baby shower) and then allow them total access to it. So they can be notified of messages, photos and even moderate what stays on it Giving a Gift of memories

Private or Public

Whatever the occasion, you have the option to make your photo album Private or Public, so only a select few can see and share or make it public and let the world see your incredible moments.

Bits and pieces

What do people keep or store in their houses for
sentimental purposes.

How to achieve social closeness during social distancing

We require social interaction and it has been cut short
without any coping measures.